
The Ghosting of Dismal Creek
To illustrate the power of our words and how they can weapons in our spiritual battles.
3 women
The Ghosting of Dismal Creek is a tale with a two-fold message. First, that there is a spiritual war going on all around us and we are part of it. Secondly, that our words and actions have an impact in that battle. This is done through a story based in a small Nebraska town in the early 1800's. The town of Dismal Creek, NE has become a ghost town with only one living resident left of it’s once thriving population. What catastrophe befell the good people of Dismal Creek that transformed a vibrant community into a ghost town?
Hear these ghosts tell their story as they draw back the curtain between the seen and unseen, the world we live in and the very real spiritual war raging around us. Their tale is a warning to remind us that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but the spiritual realties present in this dark world.